Simply Clean – Best Cleaning Company in Oxford, Mississippi

October 12, 2023 by justin davis

clean kitchen that is spotless

Finding the best cleaning company in your area can be confusing. Not only could there be a ton of options to choose from, but they all claim to be the right one for you. If you’re located in Oxford, Mississippi, then Simply Clean should be one of your top candidates. Why? Because we go above and beyond to make sure we offer the best cleaning services in the city. There’s more to it than that, though; here are a few more reasons why Simply Clean is the best cleaning company in Oxford, Mississippi.

We’re confidential and secure

If you’re going to have a cleaning crew in your home or office space, it’s important that you can trust them. Regardless of which cleaning company you’re considering, you should make sure that they thoroughly vet potential employees before hiring them. 

Before we hire someone, we put them through three rounds of interviews, as well as reference checks, and a training and probationary period. In order to guarantee the quality of our work, we have to ensure the quality of the people we hire; both of those things are a big priority for our company. 

Our rates are fair

You know the saying “you get what you pay for”? That’s one thing to keep in mind when hiring a cleaning company. It’s definitely important to get value for money, and this rarely happens with cleaning companies that are at the lower end of the price range. Some exceptionally expensive cleaning companies may offer VIP services, but in many cases they’re just overcharging their customers. 

We believe that fairness is important, for both our customers and our employees. Our prices take into account the wages we pay our employees, as well as the non-toxic cleaning products we use (which are slightly more expensive than common alternatives). We want to ensure that our services are accessible for those who want a top-notch cleaning crew at a reasonable price.

Our cleaning crews are fully equipped

Some cleaning companies ask that their customers provide cleaning products and equipment. This is one way to offer lower prices without sacrificing profits, but it really isn’t the best approach if you want great results. The main problem is that the client may not have the necessary cleaning supplies, meaning the cleaners won’t be able to do their jobs properly. It can also make the process less efficient if the required equipment isn’t provided.

Our cleaning crews arrive at each location completely equipped with the necessary supplies. This is especially important for us to take care of, since we use non-toxic cleaning products rather than common household products.

We’re both organized and flexible

When one of our cleaning crews show up at your door, they’ll be able to get straight down to business. They won’t have to spend time looking for the window cleaner or figuring out how to use the vacuum attachments; they’ll pretty much be able to hit the ground running. You’ll also notice that even the cleaning equipment is clean and well-maintained. After all, it’s hard to properly clean a house with old, dirty sponges or grimy dusters. 

You also won’t have to worry about the cleaning crew showing up late – unless you need them to, that is. As long as our customers give us a reasonable amount of notice in advance, we’re happy to reschedule cleaning appointments. We understand that sometimes life gets in the way of even the most careful planning, so we do our best to work around unexpected delays or cancellations.

We’re consistent

In some cases, a cleaning company with multiple employees may struggle with consistency. Maybe their employees have different levels of experience, or not all of them stick to the standards set by their employers. Whatever the case, it could be that their customers don’t exactly get consistent results. This can result in a lot of frustration for the customers, and a loss of business for the company.

We expect our employees to follow strict standards in the quality of their work, which is why we confidently offer a money-back guarantee if you aren’t totally satisfied with your results. If one of our cleaning crews ever misses something, we’ll make it right at no extra cost. Our relationship with our clients is key, which is why we bend over backwards to make sure they feel taken care of.

Our employees are experienced

House cleaning may not require years of technical training, but it does require both training and experience in order to provide top-notch service. An inexperienced cleaner can be spotted pretty easily – they don’t really know what all the cleaning products are for, they aren’t sure how to use the equipment, and they miss a lot of small details.

This is why we only hire experienced cleaners. Not only do we want them to leave each property sparkling, but we also want them to approach each job with professionalism and efficiency. It’s better for us, and it’s much better for our clients. We aim for a 100% satisfaction rate, and experienced cleaning crews help us reach that goal. 

We have a solid reputation with our customers

When you hire a house cleaning or commercial cleaning service, it’s essential that you look at their reviews and testimonials. They may say that they provide great results, but their former clients will be able to confirm whether or not this is actually the case. If you really want to get the full picture, try looking into both their online reviews and their testimonials. Sites like Yelp are a helpful resource, as well as Google’s review feature. If you’re interested in seeing testimonials, you can ask the company to put you in touch with a few former or current clients who might provide a reference.

We work hard to provide amazing results for our clients, and plenty of them are happy to talk about it. If you want to learn more about what our customers have to say about us, feel free to get in touch!


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