Oxford Grocery and Shopping Delivery Service
Based on the needs of our community and our goals to keep our staff at Simply Clean working, we are now offering a grocery and shopping delivery service. Current grocery delivery options are overwhelmed and lack the expertise and dedication to sanitation that Simply Clean offers. You can be assured we are doing everything in our power to deliver your groceries with the utmost attention to sanitation. Simply Clean is an established and trusted cleaning service in the Oxford area. You can depend on us to provide a reliable service you can trust and count on.
This is how it works:
Step 1. Book The Service Online
Select Shopping Service on our booking form and select an estimated number of hours needed to complete the shopping trip. We won’t charge for time driving TO the store of your choosing. Remember, finding your items, asking necessary questions, waiting in line, checking out, loading/unloading and sanitizing and delivering the purchase to your home is a time consuming process. The minimum trip will be 2 hours with a max of 4. Next, you’ll select the estimated prepayment for your purchase amount (in $100 increments). Make sure you allocate enough, as we can’t make purchases over that amount. After we deliver, we will refund 100% of the difference between your prepayment amount and your receipt cost. After the 2 hour minimum, we will prorate your hourly charge to the nearest half hour. We charge an hourly fee or $40/hour. Finally you will tell us what you need. The more specific the better. You can list your store, and the items in the allocated comments box on the booking form. You can also add your items to a cart online (at Walmart or Kroger .com) and text us a picture of your cart: 662-801-4468
Step 2. We Make it Easy For You
Our goal is to make a somewhat complex errand as simple and convenient for you as possible. Once we receive your appointment, we will review the details and then add you to a chat application called “Slack”. You will have a dedicated communication channel (we will email you a link) as well as a dedicated staff member to take care of your order and delivery. On the date and time you selected for service, the staff member will use this channel to ask you any questions, send photos if necessary and send your receipt. A manager will be tracking the communications to make sure everything is going smoothly. We will go to just about any store and pick up any item. Our service is broad in scope as long as you are specific with your instructions.
Step 3. Safety is the Goal – It’s the Whole Point
Your cleaning/ shopping professional is dedicated to safety. We use masks as well as sterile latex gloves to handle your items. We change our gloves in stages throughout the process. We use a CDC approved disinfectant to sanitize the cart. Before any purchases are placed inside trunk of the transport vehicle, it is lined with fresh plastic and disinfected by the same CDC approved disinfectant. We initiate a no contact delivery, leaving your groceries on your porch, garage or deck as per your instructions. And just like that, you have your necessary goods and supplies within an efficient and safe procedure. And best of all, you never have to leave the safety of your home.
Step 4. We Want to Help, Too
We know everyone is feeling the economic pain of this health crisis. We know there oxonians at risk who lack the resources but are in need of our service. We want to help. If you know of someone in need, you can purchase a gift card for them below. Otherwise, call me and we can arrange something. We can’t afford to outright donate our trips but, as capacity allows, we will deliver to families in need at cost (break even point). This is our way to give back to our community during a tough time.
** Simply Clean cannot guarantee the elimination of COVID-19. We can apply our best practices and take great care, and we will. Certainly sanitized groceries delivered to your house is a much safer alternative than taking a trip to a store yourself. Even still, we cannot guarantee the elimination of COVID-19.